Midwest Finishing Systems offers the most reliable cost-effective solutions to your finishing needs. Our ISO 9001-2015 certified facility has the widest range of equipment in the industry. Whether your job is small, or you need daily production, we have the capabilities to deliver when you need it.
Our Job Shop is located at:
843 W College Ave.
Waukesha, WI 53186
Phone: 262-524-8676

- Glass Bead Blasting
- Provide Anchor Pattern
- Paint Renewal
- Sandblasting
- High Production Capabilities

- Vibratory Deburring
- Ball Burnishing
- Descaling
- Deflashing
- Preplate Finishing
- High Capacity Water Treatment

- Wheelabrating
- Shot Peening
- Paint Removal
- Flash Removal
- Remove Scale

- Aqueous Parts Washing
- Degreasing
- Multi-stage Units
- High Production Capability
- Parts Labeling & Packing
- Pick-up & Delivery
- Consulting
- Process Development
- Labeling & Packaging
- Electro Polishing
- Passivating
- Polishing & Buffing